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My name is Bob Rossi

 Author and composer of The Young Lords - The Musical 

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Bob Rossi of HISTORIC PLAYS has always been captivated by the arts. From a young age, he loved consuming written and visual material, always paying attention to the underlying story. As he grew up and experimented with his creative ideas, he fell in love with writing and music and hasn't looked back since. Get in touch to learn more about his work, process, and upcoming projects.


Upcoming Projects

The Young Lords - The Musical

 Visit our GoFundMe page for your kind support and contributions.


The Young Lords - The Musical (Project)


Cha-Cha Jimenez pencil sketch by Tyra Crumb


Project support assistant - Diana Rosario


Music Director - Robert Barrett Smith


                                                                                THE YOUNG LORDS

                                                                                  (Agents of Change)


                                                              RADICALISM- REVOLUTION-RESISTANCE


With war raging in Vietnam, a resistance movement spread to the streets of Chicago and New York circa 1968. Streets ridden with garbage, abandoned vehicles, boarded-up buildings wrapped in graffiti and placards of anti-war messages framed the landscape of neighborhoods housing the poor, working class families, people of color and those of Latinx heritage.


Children are readily exposed to lead poisoning, access to public health services and emergency treatment is limited, and health inequality runs rampant.


Police brutality is the norm and racism and prejudice rule the day, with local government officials turning a blind eye. The grand scheme to control the undervalued neighborhoods by increasing rents by over 400%, forcing mom-and-pop stores to close, including sending Latinos “back” to their islands of origin. The conditions set the stage for the birth and organization of the Young Lords and their crusader of social justice and one-time gang member Cha-Cha Jimenez.


The Young Lords – The Musical © - is a stage play that tells Jimenez’s story and that of his organization Young Lords comprised mainly of Puerto Rican and Latinx members. It follows Jiminez from the time he is incarcerated and introduced to the writings of Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr. to the Young Lords’ revolutionary takeover of Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx in 1969.


It was very challenging to write a play, nonetheless, a musical - that would combine a linear sequence to distinguish between the Young Lords of Chicago and those of New York. With 22 original musical scores, as author, I am seeking your help to see this project in production. The play’s historical and educational significance adds a new dimension to what was society’s perception of these radicals; and their amazing accomplishments which benefit us today.


As with any new project, funds are essential. With this we call out to you for help with our fundraising efforts. We need to secure a venue for rehearsals, to contract a cast of professional actors and actresses for the initial stage reading, as well as all other related expenses to go forward.


I would sincerely appreciate your help and support in asking that we raise $30,000 during our first phase. Please contribute what you can – it all adds up – so that the story of the Young Lords can inspire all those who thirst for social equality.



             HISTORIC PLAYS

a subsidiary of   

  Avenida Management LLC

 P.O. Box 437 Marlboro, NY 12542


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